Environmental, Social, and Governance


Community Involvement

“Be Committed to Community” is one of our core values and integral to our culture. We believe that this commitment not only builds better communities but also helps us attract and retain associates. We encourage our associates to volunteer their hours with service organizations and philanthropic groups in the communities we serve.

We recorded 9,542 community service hours in 2024, and 10,526 and 9,508 hours in 2023 and 2022, respectively. Additionally, the CCBG Foundation donated approximately $0.3 million in 2024 and 2023 and approximately $0.2 million in 2022 to various non-profit organizations in the communities we serve.

Since 2015, we have annually supported the United Way of the Big Bend in analyzing financial information for its annual grant review process. Many of these grants are provided to low-moderate income communities in North Florida’s Big Bend area.

Access, affordability, and financial inclusion. Financial literacy is a priority. In 2024, the CCBG Foundation made grants totaling $167,000 to Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (“CRA”) eligible organizations in our market area. We provide educational outreach regarding home ownership and financial access for minorities. During 2020 to 2023, we partnered with Habitat for Humanity and Warrick Dunn Charities to build and furnish four homes, with our associates providing volunteer hours. We continue to originate loans under the Habitat for Humanity loan program and community development loans under various affordable housing, community service, and revitalization projects.

During tax season, we provide locations for community residents to access Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services. VITA is a nationwide IRS program that offers free tax preparation assistance to people who generally make $60,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns.