Capital City Bank Group, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2024 Results

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Capital City Bank Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCBG) today reported net income attributable to common shareowners of $13.1 million, or $0.78 per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $14.2 million, or $0.83 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2024, and $12.7 million, or $0.74 per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2023.

QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS (3rd Quarter 2024 versus 2nd Quarter 2024)

Income Statement

  • Tax-equivalent net interest income totaled $40.3 million compared to $39.3 million for the prior quarter
    • Net interest margin increased 10 basis points to 4.12% (earning asset yield up 7 basis points and total deposit cost down 3 basis points to 92 basis points)
  • Stable credit quality metrics and credit loss provision - net loan charge-offs were 19 basis points (annualized) of average loans – allowance coverage ratio increased to 1.11% at September 30, 2024
  • Noninterest income remained stable, decreasing $0.1 million, or 0.5%, and reflected a $0.4 million decline in mortgage banking revenues partially offset by a $0.3 million increase in wealth management fees
  • Noninterest expense increased $2.5 million, or 6.1%, due to increases in compensation (annual merit and health care) and other expenses (professional and processing). Other expense also included a $0.5 million expense related to a counterparty payment for our VISA Class B share swap

Balance Sheet

  • Loan balances decreased $33.2 million, or 1.2% (average), and declined $7.1 million, or 0.3% (end of period)
  • Deposit balances decreased by $69.0 million, or 1.9% (average), and decreased $29.5 million, or 0.8% (end of period), reflecting the seasonal decline in our public fund balances
  • Tangible book value per diluted share (non-GAAP financial measure) increased $0.91, or 4.2%

Commenting on the company's results, William G. Smith, Jr., Capital City Bank Group Chairman, President, and CEO, said, "I am pleased with what we accomplished in the quarter to enhance shareowner value – 4.2% growth in tangible book value per share and a 9.5% increase in the dividend. Earnings for the quarter remained stable driven by margin expansion, stable credit, and core deposit growth. Looking ahead, I remain optimistic about our full year financial performance and beyond, driven by our balance sheet flexibility, revenue diversification, and focus on continuous improvement.”      

Discussion of Operating Results

Net Interest Income/Net Interest Margin

Tax-equivalent net interest income for the third quarter of 2024 totaled $40.2 million, compared to $39.3 million for the second quarter of 2024, and $39.3 million for the third quarter of 2023. Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the increase was primarily due to increases in loan and investment interest income and a decrease in deposit interest expense, partially offset by a decrease in overnight funds interest income. One additional calendar day also contributed to the increase. Favorable repricing of existing adjustable/fixed rate loans at higher rates drove the increase in loan interest income. The increase in investment interest income was due to the reinvestment of maturing securities at higher rates. The decrease in deposit interest expense was attributable to lower average NOW account balances and average rate, in addition to lower rates on promotional deposit products.

Compared to the third quarter of 2023, the $0.9 million increase was primarily driven by an increase in loan interest income and to a lesser extent overnight funds interest income, partially offset by an increase in deposit interest expense. For the first nine months of 2024, tax-equivalent net interest income totaled $118.0 million compared to $120.1 million for the same period of 2023 with the decrease primarily attributable to an increase in deposit interest expense and a decrease in investment interest income, partially offset by an increase in loan interest income.

Our net interest margin for the third quarter of 2024 was 4.12%, an increase of 10 basis points over the second quarter of 2024 and an increase of nine basis points over the third quarter of 2023. For the month of September 2024, our net interest margin was 4.16%. For the first nine months of 2024, our net interest margin was 4.05% compared to 4.04% for the same period of 2023. The increase over the second quarter of 2024 reflected favorable loan and investment repricing, partially offset by a lower overnight funds rate. The increase over both prior year periods reflected higher loan rates partially offset by a higher cost of deposits. For the third quarter of 2024, our cost of funds was 93 basis points, a decrease of four basis points from the second quarter of 2024 and an increase of 27 basis points over the third quarter of 2023. Our cost of deposits (including noninterest bearing accounts) was 92 basis points, 95 basis points, and 58 basis points, respectively, for the same periods.

Provision for Credit Losses

We recorded a provision expense for credit losses of $1.2 million for the third quarter of 2024, comparable to the second quarter of 2024 and a $1.2 million decrease from the third quarter of 2023. The provision expense for the third quarter of 2024 reflected a $0.7 million increase in the provision for loans held for investment (“HFI”), a $0.6 million provision benefit for unfunded loan commitments, and a $0.1 million provision benefit for debt securities. The increase in the provision for loans HFI was primarily due to loan grade migration and slightly higher loss rates partially offset by lower loan balances. A lower level of commitments drove the provision benefit for unfunded loan commitments. For the first nine months of 2024, we recorded a provision expense for credit losses of $3.3 million compared to $7.7 million for the same period of 2023 with the decrease driven primarily by lower new loan volume in 2024. We discuss the allowance for credit losses further below.

Noninterest Income and Noninterest Expense

Noninterest income for the third quarter of 2024 totaled $19.5 million compared to $19.6 million for the second quarter of 2024 and $16.7 million for the third quarter of 2023. The slight decrease from the second quarter of 2024 reflected a $0.4 million decrease in mortgage banking revenues partially offset by a $0.3 million increase in wealth management fees. Compared to the third quarter of 2023, the $2.8 million increase was primarily attributable to a $2.1 million increase in mortgage banking revenues driven by a higher gain on sale margin, and a $0.8 million increase in wealth management fees.

For the first nine months of 2024, noninterest income totaled $57.2 million compared to $54.5 million for the same period of 2023, primarily attributable to a $3.2 million increase in mortgage banking revenues and a $1.8 million increase in wealth management fees, partially offset by a $2.1 million decrease in other income. The increase in mortgage banking revenues was due to a higher gain on sale margin. The increase in wealth management fees was primarily driven by higher retail brokerage fees and to a lesser extent trust fees, primarily attributable to both new account growth and higher account values driven by higher market returns. The decrease in other income was primarily attributable to a $1.4 million gain from the sale of mortgage servicing rights in the second quarter of 2023, and to a lesser extent a decrease in vendor bonus income and miscellaneous income.

Noninterest expense for the third quarter of 2024 totaled $42.9 million compared to $40.4 million for the second quarter of 2024 and $39.1 million for the third quarter of 2023. The $2.5 million increase over the second quarter of 2024 was primarily due to a $1.4 million increase in compensation and a $1.0 million increase in other expense. The increase in compensation reflected higher salary expense of $0.9 million and associate benefit expense of $0.5 million. The increase in salary expense was driven by annual merit adjustments, and the increase in other associate benefit expense was primarily attributable to higher health insurance cost, and to a lesser extent higher stock-based compensation expense. The increase in other expense was primarily due to a $0.5 million increase in professional fees, processing fees of $0.3 million, and higher miscellaneous expense which included a $0.5 million payment to the counterparty for our VISA Class B share swap due to revision to the share conversion rate related to additional funding by VISA of the merchant litigation reserve. Compared to the third quarter of 2023, the $3.8 million increase was primarily attributable to a $2.8 million increase in compensation expense and a $0.9 million increase in other expense. The unfavorable variance in compensation expense reflected higher salary expense of $2.2 million and associate benefit expense of $0.6 million, with the salary variance driven by merit adjustments and the associate benefit expense variance reflective of higher health insurance cost. Further, salary expense was unfavorably impacted by lower realized loan cost (credit offset to salary expense) of $1.0 million which reflected lower loan volume in 2024. The increase in other expense was attributable to a $0.6 million increase in professional fees and higher miscellaneous expense due to the aforementioned $0.5 million share swap payment in the third quarter of 2024.  

For the first nine months of 2024, noninterest expense totaled $123.5 million compared to $117.1 million for the same period of 2023 with the $6.4 million increase primarily attributable to increases in compensation expense of $4.6 million, occupancy expense of $0.5 million, and other expense of $1.3 million. The increase in compensation expense reflected a $3.9 million increase in salary expense and a $0.7 million increase in associate benefit expense. The increase in salary expense was primarily due to a lower level of realized loan cost (credit offset to salary expense) of $2.9 million (lower new loan volume) and higher base salary expense of $1.9 million (primarily annual merit raises), partially offset by lower commission expense of $1.3 million (lower residential mortgage volume). The increase in occupancy was primarily attributable to an increase in maintenance agreement expense (security upgrades and addition of interactive teller machines). The increase in other expense reflected a $1.8 million gain from the sale of a banking office in the first quarter of 2023 and higher miscellaneous expense due to the aforementioned $0.5 million share swap payment in 2024, that was partially offset by lower pension plan expense (service cost) of $1.0 million.         

Income Taxes

We realized income tax expense of $3.0 million (effective rate of 19.1%) for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $3.2 million (effective rate of 18.5%) for the second quarter of 2024 and $3.0 million (effective rate of 20.7%) for the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, we realized income tax expense of $9.7 million (effective rate of 20.1%) compared to $10.1 million (effective rate of 20.5%) for the same period of 2023. The decrease in our effective tax rate from both prior year periods was primarily due to a higher level of tax benefit accrued from investments in solar tax credit equity funds. Absent discrete items, we expect our annual effective tax rate to approximate 20-21% for 2024.

Discussion of Financial Condition

Earning Assets

Average earning assets totaled $3.883 billion for the third quarter of 2024, a decrease of $51.9 million, or 1.3%, from the second quarter of 2024, and an increase of $59.4 million, or 1.6%, over the fourth quarter of 2023. The change for both prior periods was driven by variances in deposit balances (see below – Deposits). Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the change in the earning asset mix reflected a $33.2 million decrease in loans HFI, a $11.4 million decline in investment securities, and a $5.6 million decrease increase in overnight funds sold. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, the change in the earning asset mix reflected a $157.1 million increase in overnight funds that was partially offset by a $17.7 million decrease in loans HFI, a $54.7 million decrease in investment securities and a $25.2 million decline in loans held for sale.

Average loans HFI decreased $33.2 million, or 1.2%, from the second quarter of 2024 and decreased $17.7 million, or 0.7%, from the fourth quarter of 2023. Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the decrease was driven by a $19.4 million decrease in consumer loans (primarily indirect auto), commercial loans of $13.2 million, and commercial real estate loans of $7.7 million, partially offset by a $7.4 million increase in residential real estate loans. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, the decrease was primarily attributable to a $54.5 million decrease in consumer loans (primarily indirect auto) and commercial loans of $24.2 million (primarily tax-exempt loans) that was partially offset by a $59.2 million increase in residential real estate loans.

Period end loans HFI decreased $7.1 million, or 0.3%, from the second quarter of 2024 and decreased $50.8 million, or 1.9%, from the fourth quarter of 2023. Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the decline reflected a $20.9 million decrease in consumer loans (primarily indirect auto), a $10.4 million decrease in commercial loans, and a $3.2 million decline in commercial real estate loans, partially offset by a $10.9 million increase in residential real estate loans and a $18.1 million increase in construction loans. The decrease from the fourth quarter of 2023 was primarily attributable to a $57.7 million decrease in consumer loans (primarily indirect auto), a $30.6 million decline in commercial loans, and a $5.5 million decrease in commercial real estate loans, partially offset by a $22.2 million increase in residential real estate loans and a $22.8 million increase in construction real estate loans.     

Allowance for Credit Losses

At September 30, 2024, the allowance for credit losses for loans HFI totaled $29.8 million compared to $29.2 million at June 30, 2024 and $29.9 million at December 31, 2023. Activity within the allowance is provided on Page 9. The increase in the allowance over June 30, 2024 was primarily attributable to slightly higher forecasted unemployment rate utilized in calculating loan loss rates and loan grade migration (see above – Provision for Credit Losses). Net loan charge-offs were 19 basis points of average loans for the third quarter of 2024 versus 18 basis points for the second quarter of 2024. At September 30, 2024, the allowance represented 1.11% of loans HFI compared to 1.09% at June 30, 2024, and 1.10% at December 31, 2023.

Credit Quality

Nonperforming assets (nonaccrual loans and other real estate) totaled $7.2 million at September 30, 2024 compared to $6.2 million at June 30, 2024 and $6.2 million at December 31, 2023. At September 30, 2024, nonperforming assets as a percent of total assets equaled 0.17%, compared to 0.15% at June 30, 2024 and 0.15% at December 31, 2023. Nonaccrual loans totaled $6.6 million at September 30, 2024, a $1.1 million increase over June 30, 2024 and a $0.3 million increase over December 31, 2023. Further, classified loans totaled $25.5 million at September 30, 2024, a $0.1 million decrease from June 30, 2024 and a $3.3 million increase over December 31, 2023.


Average total deposits were $3.572 billion for the third quarter of 2024, a decrease of $69.0 million, or 1.9%, from the second quarter of 2024 and an increase of $23.5 million, or 0.7%, over the fourth quarter of 2023. Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the decrease was primarily attributable to lower NOW account balances primarily due to the seasonal decline in our public fund balances. The increase over the fourth quarter of 2023 reflected growth in both money market and certificate of deposit balances which reflected a combination of balances migrating from savings and noninterest bearing accounts, in addition to receiving new deposits from existing and new clients via various deposit strategies.     

At September 30, 2024, total deposits were $3.579 billion, a decrease of $29.5 million, or 0.8%, from June 30, 2024, and a decrease of $122.7 million, or 3.3%, from December 31, 2023. The decrease from June 30, 2024 was primarily due to lower noninterest bearing, money market, and savings account balances. The decrease from December 31, 2023 was primarily due to lower NOW account balances, primarily due to the seasonal decline in our public funds, partially offset by higher money market and certificate of deposit balances from both new and existing clients. Total public funds balances were $516.2 million at September 30, 2024, $575.0 million at June 30, 2024, and $709.8 million at December 31, 2023.


The Bank maintained an average net overnight funds (i.e., deposits with banks plus FED funds sold less FED funds purchased) sold position of $256.9 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $262.4 million in the second quarter of 2024 and $99.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. Compared to the second quarter of 2024, the decrease reflected lower average deposits (primarily seasonal public funds) that was substantially offset by a decline in average loans. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, the increase was primarily driven by higher average deposits and lower average investments.       

At September 30, 2024, we had the ability to generate approximately $1.522 billion (excludes overnight funds position of $262 million) in additional liquidity through various sources including various federal funds purchased lines, Federal Home Loan Bank borrowings, the Federal Reserve Discount Window, and brokered deposits.  

We also view our investment portfolio as a liquidity source as we have the option to pledge securities in our portfolio as collateral for borrowings or deposits, and/or to sell selected securities in our portfolio. Our portfolio consists of debt issued by the U.S. Treasury, U.S. governmental agencies, municipal governments, and corporate entities. At September 30, 2024, the weighted-average maturity and duration of our portfolio were 2.51 years and 2.17 years, respectively, and the available-for-sale portfolio had a net unrealized after-tax loss of $15.5 million.    


Shareowners’ equity was $476.5 million at September 30, 2024 compared to $461.0 million at June 30, 2024 and $440.6 million at December 31, 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, shareowners’ equity was positively impacted by net income attributable to shareowners of $39.8 million, a $8.7 million decrease in the net unrealized loss on available for sale securities, net adjustments totaling $0.9 million related to transactions under our stock compensation plans, and stock compensation accretion of $1.1 million. Shareowners’ equity was reduced by a common stock dividend of $11.0 million ($0.65 per share), the repurchase of common stock of $2.3 million (82,540 shares), a $0.6 million increase in the fair value of the interest rate swap related to subordinated debt, and a $0.7 million reclassification to temporary equity.

At September 30, 2024, our total risk-based capital ratio was 17.97% compared to 17.50% at June 30, 2024 and 16.57% at December 31, 2023. Our common equity tier 1 capital ratio was 14.88%, 14.44%, and 13.52%, respectively, on these dates. Our leverage ratio was 10.89%, 10.51%, and 10.30%, respectively, on these dates. At September 30, 2024, all our regulatory capital ratios exceeded the thresholds to be designated as “well-capitalized” under the Basel III capital standards. Further, our tangible common equity ratio (non-GAAP financial measure) was 9.28% at September 30, 2024 compared to 8.91% and 8.26% at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. If our unrealized held-to-maturity securities losses of $12.9 million (after-tax) were recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss, our adjusted tangible capital ratio would be 9.00%.

About Capital City Bank Group, Inc.

Capital City Bank Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCBG) is one of the largest publicly traded financial holding companies headquartered in Florida and has approximately $4.2 billion in assets. We provide a full range of banking services, including traditional deposit and credit services, mortgage banking, asset management, trust, merchant services, bankcards, securities brokerage services and financial advisory services, including the sale of life insurance, risk management and asset protection services. Our bank subsidiary, Capital City Bank, was founded in 1895 and now has 63 banking offices and 105 ATMs/ITMs in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. For more information about Capital City Bank Group, Inc., visit


Forward-looking statements in this Press Release are based on current plans and expectations that are subject to uncertainties and risks, which could cause our future results to differ materially. The words “may,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “target,” “vision,” “goal,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. The following factors, among others, could cause our actual results to differ: our ability to successfully manage credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and other risks inherent to our industry; the effects of changes in the level of checking or savings account deposits and the competition for deposits on our funding costs, net interest margin and ability to replace maturing deposits and advances; legislative or regulatory changes; adverse developments in the financial services industry; inflation, interest rate, market and monetary fluctuations; uncertainty in the pricing of residential mortgage loans that we sell, as well as competition for the mortgage servicing rights related to these loans; interest rate risk and price risk resulting from retaining mortgage servicing rights and the effects of higher interest rates on our loan origination volumes; changes in monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. Government; the cost and effects of cybersecurity incidents or other failures, interruptions, or security breaches of our systems or those of our customers or third-party providers; the effects of fraud related to debit card products; the accuracy of our financial statement estimates and assumptions; changes in accounting principles, policies, practices or guidelines; the frequency and magnitude of foreclosure of our loans; the effects of our lack of a diversified loan portfolio; the strength of the local economies in which we operate; our ability to declare and pay dividends; structural changes in the markets for origination, sale and servicing of residential mortgages; our ability to retain key personnel; the effects of natural disasters (including hurricanes), widespread health emergencies (including pandemics), military conflict, terrorism, civil unrest or other geopolitical events; our ability to comply with the extensive laws and regulations to which we are subject; the impact of the restatement of our previously issued consolidated statements of cash flows; any deficiencies in the processes undertaken to effect these restatements and to identify and correct all errors in our historical financial statements that may require restatement; any inability to implement and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting and/or disclosure control or inability to remediate our existing material weaknesses in our internal controls deemed ineffective; the willingness of clients to accept third-party products and services rather than our products and services; technological changes; the outcomes of litigation or regulatory proceedings; negative publicity and the impact on our reputation; changes in consumer spending and saving habits; growth and profitability of our noninterest income; the limited trading activity of our common stock; the concentration of ownership of our common stock; anti-takeover provisions under federal and state law as well as our Articles of Incorporation and our Bylaws; other risks described from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission; and our ability to manage the risks involved in the foregoing. Additional factors can be found in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, and our other filings with the SEC, which are available at the SEC’s internet site ( Forward-looking statements in this Press Release speak only as of the date of the Press Release, and we assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements or the reasons why actual results could differ, except as may be required by law.


We present a tangible common equity ratio and a tangible book value per diluted share that removes the effect of goodwill and other intangibles resulting from merger and acquisition activity. We believe these measures are useful to investors because it allows investors to more easily compare our capital adequacy to other companies in the industry.

The GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations are provided below.

(Dollars in Thousands, except per share data) Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023
Shareowners' Equity (GAAP)     $ 476,499   $ 460,999   $ 448,314   $ 440,625   $ 419,706  
Less: Goodwill and Other Intangibles (GAAP)       92,813     92,853     92,893     92,933     92,973  
Tangible Shareowners' Equity (non-GAAP) A     383,686     368,146     355,421     347,692     326,733  
Total Assets (GAAP)       4,225,316     4,225,695     4,259,922     4,304,477     4,138,287  
Less: Goodwill and Other Intangibles (GAAP)       92,813     92,853     92,893     92,933     92,973  
Tangible Assets (non-GAAP) B   $ 4,132,503   $ 4,132,842   $ 4,167,029   $ 4,211,544   $ 4,045,314  
Tangible Common Equity Ratio (non-GAAP) A/B     9.28%     8.91%     8.53%     8.26%     8.08%  
Actual Diluted Shares Outstanding (GAAP) C     16,980,686     16,970,228     16,947,204     17,000,758     16,997,886  
Tangible Book Value per Diluted Share (non-GAAP) A/C   $ 22.60   $ 21.69   $ 20.97   $ 20.45   $ 19.22  

CAPITAL CITY BANK GROUP, INC.                      
EARNINGS HIGHLIGHTS                      
    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended  
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   Sep 30, 2024   Jun 30, 2024   Sep 30, 2023   Sep 30, 2024   Sep 30, 2023  
Net Income Attributable to Common Shareowners $ 13,118 $ 14,150 $ 12,655 $ 39,825 $ 40,539  
Diluted Net Income Per Share $ 0.78 $ 0.83 $ 0.74 $ 2.35 $ 2.38  
Return on Average Assets (annualized)   1.24 % 1.33 % 1.19 % 1.26 % 1.26 %
Return on Average Equity (annualized)   10.87   12.23   11.74   11.39   13.00  
Net Interest Margin   4.12   4.02   4.03   4.05   4.04  
Noninterest Income as % of Operating Revenue   32.67   33.30   29.87   32.69   31.25  
Efficiency Ratio   71.81 % 68.61 % 69.88 % 70.49 % 67.07 %
CAPITAL ADEQUACY                      
Tier 1 Capital   16.77 % 16.31 % 15.11 % 16.77 % 15.11 %
Total Capital   17.97   17.50   16.30   17.97   16.30  
Leverage   10.89   10.51   9.98   10.89   9.98  
Common Equity Tier 1   14.88   14.44   13.26   14.88   13.26  
Tangible Common Equity (1)   9.28   8.91   8.08   9.28   8.08  
Equity to Assets   11.28 % 10.91 % 10.14 % 11.28 % 10.14 %
ASSET QUALITY                      
Allowance as % of Non-Performing Loans   452.64 % 529.79 % 619.58 % 452.64 % 619.58 %
Allowance as a % of Loans HFI   1.11   1.09   1.08   1.11   1.08  
Net Charge-Offs as % of Average Loans HFI   0.19   0.18   0.17   0.20   0.16  
Nonperforming Assets as % of Loans HFI and OREO   0.27   0.23   0.17   0.27   0.17  
Nonperforming Assets as % of Total Assets   0.17 % 0.15 % 0.11 % 0.17 % 0.11 %
STOCK PERFORMANCE                      
High $ 36.67 $ 28.58 $ 33.44 $ 36.67 $ 36.86  
Low   26.72   25.45   28.64   25.45   28.03  
Close $ 35.29 $ 28.44 $ 29.83 $ 35.29 $ 29.83  
Average Daily Trading Volume   37,151   29,861   26,774   32,720   33,936  
(1) Tangible common equity ratio is a non-GAAP financial measure. For additional information, including a
reconciliation to GAAP, refer to Page 6.    

  2024     2023  
(Dollars in thousands) Third Quarter   Second Quarter   First Quarter   Fourth Quarter   Third Quarter
Cash and Due From Banks $ 83,431   $ 75,304   $ 73,642   $ 83,118   $ 72,379  
Funds Sold and Interest Bearing Deposits   261,779     272,675     231,047     228,949     95,119  
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents   345,210     347,979     304,689     312,067     167,498  
Investment Securities Available for Sale   336,187     310,941     327,338     337,902     334,052  
Investment Securities Held to Maturity   561,480     582,984     603,386     625,022     632,076  
Other Equity Securities   6,976     2,537     3,445     3,450     3,585  
Total Investment Securities   904,643     896,462     934,169     966,374     969,713  
Loans Held for Sale   31,251     24,022     24,705     28,211     34,013  
Loans Held for Investment ("HFI"):                    
Commercial, Financial, & Agricultural   194,625     204,990     218,298     225,190     221,704  
Real Estate - Construction   218,899     200,754     202,692     196,091     197,526  
Real Estate - Commercial   819,955     823,122     823,690     825,456     828,234  
Real Estate - Residential   1,023,485     1,012,541     1,012,791     1,001,257     966,512  
Real Estate - Home Equity   210,988     211,126     214,617     210,920     203,606  
Consumer   213,305     234,212     254,168     270,994     285,122  
Other Loans   461     2,286     3,789     2,962     1,401  
Overdrafts   1,378     1,192     1,127     1,048     1,076  
Total Loans Held for Investment   2,683,096     2,690,223     2,731,172     2,733,918     2,705,181  
Allowance for Credit Losses   (29,836 )   (29,219 )   (29,329 )   (29,941 )   (29,083 )
Loans Held for Investment, Net   2,653,260     2,661,004     2,701,843     2,703,977     2,676,098  
Premises and Equipment, Net   81,876     81,414     81,452     81,266     81,677  
Goodwill and Other Intangibles   92,813     92,853     92,893     92,933     92,973  
Other Real Estate Owned   650     650     1     1     1  
Other Assets   115,613     121,311     120,170     119,648     116,314  
Total Other Assets   290,952     296,228     294,516     293,848     290,965  
Total Assets $ 4,225,316   $ 4,225,695   $ 4,259,922   $ 4,304,477   $ 4,138,287  
Noninterest Bearing Deposits $ 1,330,715   $ 1,343,606   $ 1,361,939   $ 1,377,934   $ 1,472,165  
NOW Accounts   1,174,585     1,177,180     1,212,452     1,327,420     1,092,996  
Money Market Accounts   401,272     413,594     398,308     319,319     304,323  
Savings Accounts   507,604     514,560     530,782     547,634     571,003  
Certificates of Deposit   164,901     159,624     151,320     129,515     99,958  
Total Deposits   3,579,077     3,608,564     3,654,801     3,701,822     3,540,445  
Repurchase Agreements   29,339     22,463     23,477     26,957     22,910  
Other Short-Term Borrowings   7,929     3,307     8,409     8,384     18,786  
Subordinated Notes Payable   52,887     52,887     52,887     52,887     52,887  
Other Long-Term Borrowings   794     1,009     265     315     364  
Other Liabilities   71,974     69,987     65,181     66,080     75,585  
Total Liabilities   3,742,000     3,758,217     3,805,020     3,856,445     3,710,977  
Temporary Equity   6,817     6,479     6,588     7,407     7,604  
SHAREOWNERS' EQUITY                    
Common Stock   169     169     169     170     170  
Additional Paid-In Capital   36,070     35,547     34,861     36,326     36,182  
Retained Earnings   454,342     445,959     435,364     426,275     418,030  
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss, Net of Tax   (14,082 )   (20,676 )   (22,080 )   (22,146 )   (34,676 )
Total Shareowners' Equity   476,499     460,999     448,314     440,625     419,706  
Total Liabilities, Temporary Equity and Shareowners' Equity $ 4,225,316   $ 4,225,695   $ 4,259,922   $ 4,304,477   $ 4,138,287  
OTHER BALANCE SHEET DATA                    
Earning Assets $ 3,880,769   $ 3,883,382   $ 3,921,093   $ 3,957,452   $ 3,804,026  
Interest Bearing Liabilities   2,339,311     2,344,624     2,377,900     2,412,431     2,163,227  
Book Value Per Diluted Share $ 28.06   $ 27.17   $ 26.45   $ 25.92   $ 24.69  
Tangible Book Value Per Diluted Share(1)   22.60     21.69     20.97     20.45     19.22  
Actual Basic Shares Outstanding   16,944     16,942     16,929     16,950     16,958  
Actual Diluted Shares Outstanding   16,981     16,970     16,947     17,001     16,998  
(1) Tangible book value per diluted share is a non-GAAP financial measure. For additional information, including a reconciliation to GAAP, refer to Page 6.

    2024   2023   Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   Third
  2024   2023
INTEREST INCOME                            
Loans, including Fees $ 41,659 $ 41,138 $ 40,683 $ 40,407 $ 39,344 $ 123,480 $ 111,845
Investment Securities   4,155   4,004   4,244   4,392   4,561   12,403   14,300
Federal Funds Sold and Interest Bearing Deposits   3,514   3,624   1,893   1,385   1,848   9,031   8,741
Total Interest Income   49,328   48,766   46,820   46,184   45,753   144,914   134,886
INTEREST EXPENSE                            
Deposits   8,223   8,579   7,594   5,872   5,214   24,396   11,710
Repurchase Agreements   221   217   201   199   190   639   314
Other Short-Term Borrowings   52   68   39   310   440   159   1,228
Subordinated Notes Payable   610   630   628   627   625   1,868   1,800
Other Long-Term Borrowings   11   3   3   5   4   17   15
Total Interest Expense   9,117   9,497   8,465   7,013   6,473   27,079   15,067
Net Interest Income   40,211   39,269   38,355   39,171   39,280   117,835   119,819
Provision for Credit Losses   1,206   1,204   920   2,025   2,393   3,330   7,689
Net Interest Income after Provision for Credit Losses   39,005   38,065   37,435   37,146   36,887   114,505   112,130
NONINTEREST INCOME                            
Deposit Fees   5,512   5,377   5,250   5,304   5,456   16,139   16,021
Bank Card Fees   3,624   3,766   3,620   3,713   3,684   11,010   11,205
Wealth Management Fees   4,770   4,439   4,682   4,276   3,984   13,891   12,061
Mortgage Banking Revenues   3,966   4,381   2,878   2,327   1,839   11,225   8,072
Other   1,641   1,643   1,667   1,537   1,765   4,951   7,093
Total Noninterest Income   19,513   19,606   18,097   17,157   16,728   57,216   54,452
NONINTEREST EXPENSE                            
Compensation   25,800   24,406   24,407   23,822   23,003   74,613   69,965
Occupancy, Net   7,098   6,997   6,994   7,098   6,980   21,089   20,562
Other   10,023   9,038   8,770   9,038   9,122   27,831   26,539
Total Noninterest Expense   42,921   40,441   40,171   39,958   39,105   123,533   117,066
OPERATING PROFIT   15,597   17,230   15,361   14,345   14,510   48,188   49,516
Income Tax Expense   2,980   3,189   3,536   2,909   3,004   9,705   10,130
Net Income   12,617   14,041   11,825   11,436   11,506   38,483   39,386
Pre-Tax Loss Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest   501   109   732   284   1,149   1,342   1,153
$ 13,118 $ 14,150 $ 12,557 $ 11,720 $ 12,655 $ 39,825 $ 40,539
PER COMMON SHARE                            
Basic Net Income $ 0.77 $ 0.84 $ 0.74 $ 0.69 $ 0.75 $ 2.35 $ 2.38
Diluted Net Income   0.78   0.83   0.74   0.70   0.74   2.35   2.38
Cash Dividend $ 0.23 $ 0.21 $ 0.21 $ 0.20 $ 0.20 $ 0.65 $ 0.56
AVERAGE SHARES                            
Basic   16,943   16,931   16,951   16,947   16,985   16,942   17,001
Diluted   16,979   16,960   16,969   16,997   17,025   16,966   17,031

AND CREDIT QUALITY              
    2024     2023     Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   Third
  2024     2023
ACL - HELD FOR INVESTMENT LOANS                            
Balance at Beginning of Period $ 29,219   $ 29,329   $ 29,941   $ 29,083   $ 28,243   $ 29,941   $ 25,068
Transfer from Other (Assets) Liabilities   -     -     (50 )   66     -     (50 )   -
Provision for Credit Losses   1,879     1,129     932     2,354     1,993     3,940     7,175
Net Charge-Offs (Recoveries)   1,262     1,239     1,494     1,562     1,153     3,995     3,160
Balance at End of Period $ 29,836   $ 29,219   $ 29,329   $ 29,941   $ 29,083   $ 29,836   $ 29,083
As a % of Loans HFI   1.11%     1.09%     1.07%     1.10%     1.08%     1.11%     1.08%
As a % of Nonperforming Loans   452.64%     529.79%     431.46%     479.70%     619.58%     452.64%     619.58%
ACL - UNFUNDED COMMITMENTS                            
Balance at Beginning of Period   3,139   $ 3,121   $ 3,191   $ 3,502   $ 3,120   $ 3,191   $ 2,989
Provision for Credit Losses   (617 )   18     (70 )   (311 )   382     (669 )   513
Balance at End of Period(1)   2,522     3,139     3,121     3,191     3,502     2,522     3,502
ACL - DEBT SECURITIES                            
Provision for Credit Losses $ (56 ) $ 57   $ 58   $ (18 ) $ 18   $ 59   $ 1
Commercial, Financial and Agricultural $ 331   $ 400   $ 282   $ 217   $ 76   $ 1,013   $ 294
Real Estate - Construction   -     -     -     -     -     -     -
Real Estate - Commercial   3     -     -     -     -     3     120
Real Estate - Residential   -     -     17     79     -     17     -
Real Estate - Home Equity   23     -     76     -     -     99     39
Consumer   1,315     1,061     1,550     1,689     1,340     3,926     4,065
Overdrafts   611     571     638     602     659     1,820     2,187
Total Charge-Offs $ 2,283   $ 2,032   $ 2,563   $ 2,587   $ 2,075   $ 6,878   $ 6,705
Commercial, Financial and Agricultural $ 176   $ 59   $ 41   $ 83   $ 28   $ 276   $ 194
Real Estate - Construction   -     -     -     -     -     -     2
Real Estate - Commercial   5     19     204     16     17     228     36
Real Estate - Residential   88     23     37     34     30     148     219
Real Estate - Home Equity   59     37     24     17     53     120     209
Consumer   405     313     410     433     418     1,128     1,503
Overdrafts   288     342     353     442     376     983     1,382
Total Recoveries $ 1,021   $ 793   $ 1,069   $ 1,025   $ 922   $ 2,883   $ 3,545
NET CHARGE-OFFS (RECOVERIES) $ 1,262   $ 1,239   $ 1,494   $ 1,562   $ 1,153   $ 3,995   $ 3,160
Net Charge-Offs as a % of Average Loans HFI(2)   0.19%     0.18%     0.22%     0.23%     0.17%     0.20%     0.16%
CREDIT QUALITY                            
Nonaccruing Loans $ 6,592   $ 5,515   $ 6,798   $ 6,242   $ 4,694          
Other Real Estate Owned   650     650     1     1     1          
Total Nonperforming Assets ("NPAs") $ 7,242   $ 6,165   $ 6,799   $ 6,243   $ 4,695          
Past Due Loans 30-89 Days $ 9,388   $ 5,672   $ 5,392   $ 6,855   $ 5,577          
Classified Loans   25,501     25,566     22,305     22,203     21,812          
Nonperforming Loans as a % of Loans HFI   0.25%     0.21%     0.25%     0.23%     0.17%          
NPAs as a % of Loans HFI and Other Real Estate   0.27%     0.23%     0.25%     0.23%     0.17%          
NPAs as a % of Total Assets   0.17%     0.15%     0.16%     0.15%     0.11%          
(1) Recorded in other liabilities              
(2) Annualized              

    Third Quarter 2024     Second Quarter 2024     First Quarter 2024     Fourth Quarter 2023     Third Quarter 2023     Sep 2024 YTD     Sep 2023 YTD  
(Dollars in thousands)   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
  Interest   Average
Loans Held for Sale $ 24,570   $ 720   7.49 % $ 26,281   $ 517   5.26 % $ 27,314   $ 563   5.99 % $ 49,790     817   6.50 % $ 62,768   $ 971   6.14 % $ 26,050   $ 1,800   6.22 % $ 57,438   $ 2,416   5.62 %
Loans Held for Investment(1)   2,693,533     40,985   6.09     2,726,748     40,683   6.03     2,728,629     40,196   5.95     2,711,243     39,679   5.81     2,672,653     38,455   5.71     2,716,220     121,864   6.02     2,637,911     109,688   5.56  
Investment Securities                                                                                                  
Taxable Investment Securities   907,610     4,148   1.82     918,989     3,998   1.74     952,328     4,239   1.78     962,322     4,389   1.81     1,002,547     4,549   1.80     926,241     12,385   1.78     1,034,825     14,265   1.84  
Tax-Exempt Investment Securities(1)   846     10   4.33     843     9   4.36     856     9   4.34     862     7   4.32     2,456     17   2.66     848     28   4.34     2,649     50   2.49  
Total Investment Securities   908,456     4,158   1.82     919,832     4,007   1.74     953,184     4,248   1.78     963,184     4,396   1.82     1,005,003     4,566   1.81     927,089     12,413   1.78     1,037,474     14,315   1.84  
Federal Funds Sold and Interest Bearing Deposits   256,855     3,514   5.44     262,419     3,624   5.56     140,488     1,893   5.42     99,763     1,385   5.51     136,556     1,848   5.37     220,056     9,031   5.48     237,987     8,741   4.91  
Total Earning Assets   3,883,414   $ 49,377   5.06 %   3,935,280   $ 48,831   4.99 %   3,849,615   $ 46,900   4.90 %   3,823,980   $ 46,277   4.80 %   3,876,980   $ 45,840   4.69 %   3,889,415   $ 145,108   4.98 %   3,970,810   $ 135,160   4.55 %
Cash and Due From Banks   70,994               74,803               75,763               76,681               75,941               73,843               75,483            
Allowance for Credit Losses   (29,905 )             (29,564 )             (30,030 )             (29,998 )             (29,172 )             (29,833 )             (27,581 )          
Other Assets   291,359               291,669               295,275               296,114               295,106               292,762               297,688            
Total Assets $ 4,215,862             $ 4,272,188             $ 4,190,623             $ 4,166,777             $ 4,218,855             $ 4,226,187             $ 4,316,400            
Noninterest Bearing Deposits $ 1,332,305             $ 1,346,546             $ 1,344,188             $ 1,416,825             $ 1,474,574             $ 1,340,981             $ 1,538,268            
NOW Accounts   1,145,544   $ 4,087   1.42 %   1,207,643   $ 4,425   1.47 %   1,201,032   $ 4,497   1.51 %   1,138,461   $ 3,696   1.29 %   1,125,171   $ 3,489   1.23 %   1,184,596   $ 13,009   1.47 %   1,184,453   $ 8,679   0.98 %
Money Market Accounts   418,625     2,694   2.56     407,387     2,752   2.72     353,591     1,985   2.26     318,844     1,421   1.77     322,623     1,294   1.59     393,294     7,431   2.52     293,089     2,249   1.03  
Savings Accounts   512,098     180   0.14     519,374     176   0.14     539,374     188   0.14     557,579     202   0.14     579,245     200   0.14     523,573     544   0.14     603,643     396   0.09  
Time Deposits   163,462     1,262   3.07     160,078     1,226   3.08     138,328     924   2.69     116,797     553   1.88     95,203     231   0.96     153,991     3,412   2.96     90,970     386   0.57  
Total Interest Bearing Deposits   2,239,729     8,223   1.46     2,294,482     8,579   1.50     2,232,325     7,594   1.37     2,131,681     5,872   1.09     2,122,242     5,214   0.97     2,255,454     24,396   1.44     2,172,155     11,710   0.72  
Total Deposits   3,572,034     8,223   0.92     3,641,028     8,579   0.95     3,576,513     7,594   0.85     3,548,506     5,872   0.66     3,596,816     5,214   0.58     3,596,435     24,396   0.91     3,710,423     11,710   0.42  
Repurchase Agreements   27,126     221   3.24     26,999     217   3.24     25,725     201   3.14     26,831     199   2.94     25,356     190   2.98     26,619     639   3.21     17,588     314   2.39  
Other Short-Term Borrowings   2,673     52   7.63     6,592     68   4.16     3,758     39   4.16     16,906     310   7.29     24,306     440   7.17     4,334     159   4.88     26,586     1,228   6.17  
Subordinated Notes Payable   52,887     610   4.52     52,887     630   4.71     52,887     628   4.70     52,887     627   4.64     52,887     625   4.62     52,887     1,868   4.64     52,887     1,800   4.49  
Other Long-Term Borrowings   795     11   5.55     258     3   4.31     281     3   4.80     336     5   4.72     387     4   4.73     447     17   5.16     433     15   4.78  
Total Interest Bearing Liabilities   2,323,210   $ 9,117   1.56 %   2,381,218   $ 9,497   1.60 %   2,314,976   $ 8,465   1.47 %   2,228,641   $ 7,013   1.25 %   2,225,178   $ 6,473   1.15 %   2,339,741   $ 27,079   1.55 %   2,269,649   $ 15,067   0.89 %
Other Liabilities   73,767               72,634               68,295               78,772               83,099               71,574               82,877            
Total Liabilities   3,729,282               3,800,398               3,727,459               3,724,238               3,782,851               3,752,296               3,890,794            
Temporary Equity   6,443               6,493               7,150               7,423               8,424               6,694               8,719            
SHAREOWNERS' EQUITY:   480,137               465,297               456,014               435,116               427,580               467,197               416,887            
Total Liabilities, Temporary Equity and Shareowners' Equity $ 4,215,862             $ 4,272,188             $ 4,190,623             $ 4,166,777             $ 4,218,855             $ 4,226,187             $ 4,316,400            
Interest Rate Spread     $ 40,260   3.49 %     $ 39,334   3.38 %     $ 38,435   3.43 %     $ 39,264   3.55 %     $ 39,367   3.54 %     $ 118,029   3.43 %     $ 120,093   3.66 %
Interest Income and Rate Earned(1)       49,377   5.06         48,831   4.99         46,900   4.90         46,277   4.80         45,840   4.69         145,108   4.98         135,160   4.55  
Interest Expense and Rate Paid(2)       9,117   0.93         9,497   0.97         8,465   0.88         7,013   0.73         6,473   0.66         27,079   0.93         15,067   0.51  
Net Interest Margin     $ 40,260   4.12 %     $ 39,334   4.02 %     $ 38,435   4.01 %     $ 39,264   4.07 %     $ 39,367   4.03 %     $ 118,029   4.05 %     $ 120,093   4.04 %
(1) Interest and average rates are calculated on a tax-equivalent basis using a 21% Federal tax rate.                                    
(2) Rate calculated based on average earning assets.

For Information Contact:
Jep Larkin
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
850.402. 8450

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Source: Capital City Bank Group